Attract and enroll amazing clients and turn your coaching business from an expensive dream into a real income stream.

Start Getting Clients Now
As seen in:

You’re a talented, qualified coach, so let me ask you something…

What if the whole “getting clients” part were easy?

I know, I know, that might sound crazy when you’ve been low key dreading the thought of putting your coaching business out there, thinking…
I have to get on social media ? Market myself ? Put a fancy website  together? Get business cards ? Start a TikTok ?!
With all the options and advice out there to get clients and grow your business, it can be downright overwhelming! 
But what if I told you the truth is that you don’t need ANY of those things to get your first (or next!) five to ten clients and build a real coaching business?

Because you absolutely don’t! And I’m here to prove that to you.

Hi, I’m Susie Moore

After 10 years as a full time life coach, I can confidently say that there are just three KEY ingredients to a successful coaching business – one where you’ll serve clients you love for years to come – and NONE of them include doing things you dread.

And look, I know that when it comes to putting your coaching business out there, it can be intimidating. Even for me, someone with over 20 years of experience in sales! When I started my coaching business, I had so much to offer, but would still get all wobbly when it came to selling my coaching services. 🥴

It felt so much more personal. Because it was! Maybe you can relate. 

If you’re anything like ME

success isn’t just about 

making money

it’s about 

making an impact


LOVING the work

 you’re doing.

Loving your clients, loving your team, loving your offers, loving ALL of it.

Because serving at your highest potential – honestly, it just feels good, right?

But the truth I had to face was this – if I didn’t get the business part together and actually start getting paying clients, I simply wouldn’t build my business into the incredible vision I KNEW it could be. 

So, I took some simple actions based on what I knew from my career as a sales director for a Fortune 500 Tech Company – and they worked! 

I want to share precisely what I did with you, because I know you have so much to offer as a coach and I want to help you Let It Be Easy.


Can you imagine what life will be like when your efforts easefully attract




coaching clients?

Would you…

Quit the job that pays well but leaves your soul kinda empty and your body kinda drained at week’s end?
Give yourself the flexible schedule and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about for years?
Finally know that all of those certifications and trainings were really for something big – the massive difference you’re here to make?!
If you’re yelling YES, YES, and YES – but that’s NOT how your coaching business (or life) looks right now – you’re in the right place…

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar…

You desperately want to make life coaching your REAL full-time work, not just a side hustle or hobby, but have doubts if it’s actually possible
You take certification after certification, hungry for more growth, knowledge, and skills you can bring to clients – but those programs weren’t the “business-in-a-box” that you thought they would be
You think to yourself “I’ll feel confident and ready and GO get clients after this next certification, course, or program” but there’s always another self-improvement book or program taking its place
You post plenty of “inspiring” content to attract the right-fit clients, but your inquiry form is looking lonelier than Tom Hanks in Castaway
You KNOW deep down that you’re qualified, talented, passionate, and capable but something keeps getting in the way of you making real money from your life coaching business 

Maybe you just don’t know the simple steps to making it work.

Maybe you have an idea of what to do, but you’re scared, and even hiding a little bit, afraid of what people might think if they really knew about your dream of life coaching!
Either way, you’re not alone.

We have ALL been there (myself included) and the good news is:

There is a simple, step-by-step action plan that can and will turn your coaching business from an expensive dream into a real income stream!

So, what’s the difference

between a coach who 

stands out

has a 


, and 


 all the best clients,

and one who’s left in the dust?

(Hint: It’s nothing to do with the quality of your coaching. Because the craft and the business are two entirely separate skills!)

Like I mentioned before, it all boils down to nailing those three key ingredients and putting yourself out there so you can be seen, valued, and hired!

Think about this way: a gem in the sand at the beach has no value. People walk right past it, step on it, maybe even pick it up and toss it into the ocean! 

But if you took that same gem, placed it into jewelry, and put it on display at your favorite shop? Instantly valuable. The gem hasn’t really changed – it’s always been a gem, just like you! *Right now, you’re the hidden gem.*

To become the wildly successful and valued life coach you want to be, all we need to do is frame you beautifully, bring you out into the world, and place you on display – clearly available for purchase!

Then… SHAZZAM! – you’re in demand, highly valued, hired.

That’s the power of nailing down the three key ingredients of a successful coaching business. 

The life coach that’s rocking out has these three key ingredients



They’re In Love With



a simple
they can rely on



of clients they adore

Yes! Just imagine your coaching business is a supremely delicious cake in your favorite flavor + THIS is the recipe we need to make it taste great every time! 

It’s your own special secret recipe, so it will be unique to YOU, but it still requires the key ingredients and steps that cakes need!


Your Offer

Once you know who you want to serve and how, you’re able to package up your work in a wildly attractive way that you’re confident in! Your offer is the quality of the ingredients you use to make your cake. Organic flour. Ghirardelli chocolate. Butter from France? Yes puhlease!


Once you have this down, you can kiss those “I don’t know what I’m offering or how to sell it” feelings goodbye. You’ll have the clarity and confidence you need to succeed. And it will be DELICIOUS.

Your Simple Strategy


There’s no replacement for taking action that is simple, sustainable, and PROVEN to work. That’s what nailing the perfect recipe is all about. Your Simple Strategy is like the stand mixer for this recipe - it provides the mechanics that will bake the best cake, the fastest way, every time.


Imagine always knowing exactly what to do and what to say to get those clients in the door with ease? I’m telling you, it’s the best! Plus, who doesn’t want a business KitchenAid with every setting you could ever dream of? Let’s mix on warp speed!

Your Roster of Amazing Clients


Keeping your calendar filled with clients you love is the final notch in the coaching success puzzle. It is literally the icing on the cake – the color of the icing, the sprinkles, the buttercream, the ganache! It’s the extra magic and delight of the entire cake experience – and the cake isn’t complete without it!


When you love what you do and get to really experience doing it  – which also means getting paid well for it! – it feeds you good energy and CONFIDENCE to keep making offers and taking action with a strategy that works. 

You’ll take a bite of your delicious cake and taste it all working together and then? You have the motivation and drive to bake it again and again.  

So if you’ve been wondering “how am I going to get clients on repeat and compete with ALL the other life coaches out there?” THIS is how.

You’ll finally get to have your cake and eat it, too

Because when you’ve dialed these three areas in, your coaching business works easefully, feels good, and continues to grow

And you won’t even need to refer to a recipe book ever again to repeat the same delicious results! You’ll know what to do like the back of your hand, just like an old familiar family recipe.

If you’re ready for the simple steps to kickstart a successful coaching business, get amazing clients, love your work, and make your mark –

Life Coach Success School is open for enrollment!

Life Coach Success School includes…

  • My entire, detailed process for getting clients today

  • Worksheets for each module to help you get clear & take fast, easy action

  • Proven sales scripts & templates to help you ethically inspire YES! after YES!

  • Ongoing Success Plan to ensure progress using a structured roadmap for continuous improvement and goal attainment

  • BONUS: Resource Vault and Templates so you can save time, follow the steps, and plug and play!

  • BONUS: Communication That Converts Class and Simple Sales Scripts To Help Selling Feel Easy and NOT Sleazy

There is no simpler, more straightforward way to get clear, get confident, and get clients TODAY.

Start Getting Clients Now

“My hobby’s turned into a hustle with my 1st paid client!”

“I am so EXCITED! Susie’s mentorship helped me demystify the process and made me realize it’s possible for me. 

Susie’s generous encouragement and concrete tools will help turn your dreams into action by teaching you a confident mindset and undeniable blueprint for success.

For the first time in a long time, I feel excited about my future and the direction of my career. If I can do it, so can you!”

Beth Kohler
Life Coach

If you’re meant to be a life coach, you KNOW it in your bones.

It’s powerful, it’s incredible, and it’s unlike anything else!

I truly believe that life coaching is the HIGHEST and BEST use of your life if you’re inclined to do this kind of work.

A great life coach questions everything and truly frees their clients. 

It’s as if you’re unlocking your client’s potential with a crystal-encrusted key – a secret key that no one else has ever handed to them before. 

And the impact NEVER ends.

I also believe in letting it be easy…

So much so that I literally wrote the book on it. 😉 

My Story

    If we’ve never met before, I’m Susie Moore, a life coach, self-help author, and columnist who’s been featured on Good Morning America, written for Oprah magazine, and been published in Cosmopolitan, to name a few! But way before I was savvy enough to get featured in the media, I was just a woman (without a college degree) with a tech sales job and a dream of being a life coach.

    While a lot of successful life coaches come from a background where they had access to rich and famous people, I didn’t.

    My family isn’t highly connected and I don’t come from a wealthy background or elite education. There was no trust fund to finance my life coaching business. On the contrary, I grew up on welfare and even in shelters as a child with my mother. But while I didn’t have the leg up many others have in starting a business — what I did know how to do was believe in myself and learn the skills required to make my life coaching business a reality.

    When I decided to make the switch to life coaching, I’d already made my way to New York City from the UK and manifested a $500k per year consulting job… so I thought “Okay, I can do this! I just have to figure out how to start my own coaching business!”

    And… it was surprisingly simpler than I expected it to be.

    As I already mentioned, I took some simple actions based on what I knew best from my career as a sales director for a Fortune 500 Tech Company – and they worked!

    Within weeks, I had my first 10 clients and I was off and running. 

    I quit my tech job, wrote my first book, and never looked back.

    Today, I’m a published author, own a life coaching company that helps thousands of people per year, and I get to write for major publications on the regular!

    But if I never took the first few steps to take my coaching business seriously NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE.

    And I’m so happy you found this page because this tells me that you’re ready to be serious too.

    You’re ready to take your talent, passion, gifts, love of coaching, and all the incredible skills you’ve gained from your coach trainings, certifications, and even life – and turn it into a real coaching business with paying clients.

    I believe that sometimes life calls on us to take things seriously so we can buckle down, get the help we need, and do the work! 

One of my favorite quotes is the Chinese proverb that says...

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

If you’re serious about changing your career and your life, the time is NOW.

The truth of life is that if you only ever take things as they come, nothing will come!

You must take your dreams into your hands, take your gifts, talents, and passions – and DECIDE – it’s time.

Once upon a time, I was just like you – trying to make my coaching business dream a reality by booking my first five clients – today I run a multi-million dollar coaching business that serves thousands of people per year. So I’m going to ask you…

Are you ready to get serious with your business?

If so, AMEN! 🙌 Let’s go.

I created Life Coach Success School to give you the exact steps I took that worked, and help you cut through the fluff and shortcut your way to your first (or next) five to ten clients with ease. 

Start Getting Clients Now

By this time next month, you will have…

Clarified your work into a beautiful elevator pitch that makes people go “ooh” and “ah”
Made connections with new clients, referrers, fans, and advocates of your work
Enrolled as many as 10 new PAYING clients that you’ll love supporting
Crafted a simple, doable, ongoing business plan to keep attracting clients and growing an email and waitlist
Practiced and honed your sales skills so selling feels easy and not sleazy 
Learned the tricks to creating content (emails, social media posts, and more) that consistently calls in real, paying clients

You’ll become the bonafide, confident, successful game-changing life coach you know you already are – 

– but now all your FUTURE clients will know too!

“My side hustle has grown into a full time coaching business.”

“As soon as I came across Susie’s work, I immediately knew she was the coach and woman to help me take my side hustle to the next level. I can honestly say it was a GAME CHANGER!

The content and coaching was invaluable and my side hustle has grown into a full time coaching business. My work has been featured on The Today Show and Australia’s leading women’s network and this is all within 6 months. I could not be more excited for the future, I really am living my dream. Working with Susie was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It wasn’t just a game changer, it was life changing.”

Alison Shamir
Confidence & Career Coach

“I don’t know how you could have made it any easier, Susie.”

“Susie provides the best content of any online course I have ever taken. Before, when I thought about doing something like this, the fear factor set in and I would think – I don’t know how to do this, or what others will think?

The content you share is relevant and to the point. There is no information overload here – the course is stripped right down to the basics and what we need to know the most and that makes it easy to take it all in.

I have more belief in myself now. I know I can do this. And I am not taking it so seriously (in a good way)! Whenever I start to feel those old fears coming back, I remind myself that this is something fun and not something to ever fear.

Honestly, I don’t know how you could have made it any easier Susie… short of becoming my personal daily accountability coach!”

Aisling Davis
Finance/Money Coach

Here’s what you’ll do inside Life Coach Success School:

At the end of these four modules, you’ll walk away with a solid strategy for your business and have taken proven action to get your first (or next) five to ten paying clients!  

  • Module 1

    Clarify Your Coaching Brand


    We’ll pull all of your expertise, experience, and skills into ONE clear way of expressing your work as a coach. Nail your elevator pitch so you can speak confidently about your business and attract clients with ease.

  • Module 2

    Create Cool, Confident Offers

    Wondering how to package up your services so they’re clear, enticing, and priced correctly? We’ll pull that all together in this module so your work is compelling, defined, and exactly what your perfect-fit clients need! 


  • Module 3

    Call In The Clients & Cash

    Ready to get your first (or next) 10 paying clients? Let’s go! Grab my exact proven scripts for emails and social media posts that call in all the clients and watch them work their magic, and use the BONUS communication module to totally nail it on discovery calls.


  • Module 4

    Climb To The Next Level

    Ensure ongoing success to continue attracting new business and building a waitlist while you’re booked out. From hiring support to setting up your email list, growing your social media, grabbing awesome testimonials and building your referral network, craft your own “buffet” of fresh ways to attract new clients with easy-to-follow templates to guide you along!


And if you’re thinking…

“But I’ve already had some clients… will this still work for me?”

The answer is: 

heck yes it will!

This program will lay down a simple path for you to start getting clients TODAY – whether they’re your first, next, or best five to ten clients yet! 

It will take you behind the scenes of how I grew my coaching business from zero to fully booked – and kept the momentum going so I could leave my $500k per year job and make my coaching business my full-time focus.

Most importantly: You’ll get my savvy sales tips for making enrolling clients easy (and never sleazy) because whether you’ve had one, two, or fifteen clients – you’re your own best (and only) sales person! And until you’ve met your true goals for how booked you’d like to be, there’s lots of room to develop and sharpen that skill.

Plus, you’ll also get these


business-building bonuses:

Bonus Module

Communication That Converts

($197 value)

Learn my hottest tips for connecting with clients on sales calls, in person, or on the phone so you can enhance your chances of hearing “YES, let’s start now!”


My Coaching Business Resource Vault

($97 value)

See precisely what I’ve used to make running a coaching business simple, cost-efficient, and easy! Don’t waste time searching around for all the possible softwares, systems, and solutions – I’ll hand them all to you on a silver platter!

Bonus Module

Swipe My Social Strategy

($197 value)

I’ll teach you EXACTLY how I used social media to organically grow (that means NO paid ads) and attract clients with ease.


How To Hire Contractors That Won’t Break The Bank

($97 value)

See precisely what I say and include when searching for the right talent to help grow the business: virtual assistants, video editors, social media managers and more – so you can focus on what you do the best: COACHING! Because once your client roster is all booked with humans you adore, you’ll need some support!

Bonus duo

Email List Building Script + Sales Copywriting Insider Doc

($497 value)

This incredible duo of goodies will help you begin to build a mailing list AND learn how to write content and emails that will call in all the clients, keep you top of mind, and make you the go-to coach to hire! Turn social followers into subscribers, and then: paying clients.
These bonuses alone will help you avoid costly mistakes, and save you hours of time researching resource options and posting content that simply WON’T get you the traction or results you want.
That’s worth well over $3,000 ALONE.
All totaled, this program PLUS bonuses is worth well over $6,000
But you can join today for just
(or 4 payments of $825)


You’ll leave this program with ALL you need to succeed as a life coach.

The CLARITY of what you do and how you do it (*insert sigh of relief*)
The CONFIDENCE of knowing that what you offer is in demand and desirable (woohoo!)
The CLIENTS that you’re in awe of and so excited to continue working with (yesss!)
The COURSE OF ACTION to take next to ensure ongoing success (Easy > Sleazy)
Start Getting Clients Now

Maybe you’re thinking…

“But I’ve already invested SO much in my coaching credentials and ‘business.’”

That’s PERFECT – because what that tells me is that you are 1000%++ qualified and ready to serve PAYING clients. All you need is the simple roadmap to go out there and get those clients.

The investment you make in this program is GUARANTEED to come back to you one hundred times over if you follow its simple guidance.

Plus… an item is only worth the use you give it.

Think about your nicest outfit – maybe it’s in your favorite color and fits you perfectly – but if you never wear it, it just hangs around in your closet collecting dust.

Your certifications and trainings are similar – they may have cost you thousands of dollars, but they’re only worth the use you give them.

If you need to buy a ticket to a charity gala to take that dress for a spin, and put it to use for a good cause, that’s what you do!

Likewise, you can put your certification to use by choosing to learn the simple steps to get paying clients you’ll get to really serve with all your knowledge, skills, and passion!

The truth is…

If you’re meant to be a life coach, you KNOW it in your bones.

You can FEEL that it’s your purpose to work and serve in this incredibly important way. I get it, I really do. It’s the BEST work there is!

But deals don’t just happen! Clients don’t just happen!

It’s entirely appropriate and reasonable to take the actions required to gather your dreamy roster of perfect-fit clients.

So if you’re finding yourself in a cycle of constantly improving yourself but pumping the brakes when it comes to the business side of becoming a successful life coach?


You’ll get the simple guidance and scripts you need to take action, get clients, and most importantly: enjoy the process.

“I now have two paying clients!”

This experience is life-changing. Susie masterfully combines her deep how-to knowledge with her natural talent in career coaching to provide a clear roadmap to success.

It is about doing the work. Susie has great energy and messaging on each call and there really is no guesswork on what steps to take. It’s also about being the confident side hustler that has the right attitude to move forward, rather than giving in to fear!

It is so empowering, practical, and inspiring all at the same time.

I now have 2 PAYING clients and I’ve gotten my brother’s cleaning business 3 new clients from my email blast. 

That alone has been worth its weight in gold!

Carolyn Purcell
Emmy Award Winner & Media Consultant

Join Life Coach Success School today!


How do I get started?

  • 1

    Easy! You simply choose your preferred payment method and option. With the pay-in-full option, you get the VERY best price! 💖

  • 2

    Use any button on this page to pay and access the program call times and details immediately! 🤩

  • 3

    Get ready to dive into the modules, devour the worksheets, copy-paste those sales scripts, and start enrolling clients in the coming days! 🎉

  • 4

    Celebrate your success as a life coach, because baby, you’re doing it! 🥂

Are you right for

Life Coach Success School?

You’re excited and ready to put your coaching passion and skills to use by getting real, paying clients – and letting it be easy!
You’re willing to leap over the discomfort and fear of putting yourself out there as a life coach in the interest of your greater purpose and dreams!
You love learning, growing, and expanding your arsenal of tools and feel pumped to learn skills that will benefit your business for years to come!
You love shortcuts, templates, and other simple ways to fast-track your progress without hours of content or a giant learning curve!
You’ve been looking for a low-tech, simple way to start and build your coaching business – because this is it!
You’re more committed to your excuses than your dreams and want to stay in your comfort zone and let your certification keep collecting dust!
You’re unwilling to invest a fraction of what ONE client will pay you in order to learn the simple steps it takes to go get that paying client!
You’d rather try to “figure it out on your own” and waste tons of time, energy, and money rather than take the easy road!
You’re super confident in your sales skills and know that you can find and land five clients easily without any guidance or help (go you!)
You’re not passionate about coaching and don’t want a real, legit coaching business!

You're thinking about joining, but wondering…

“Will this work for a consulting business as well?”

The answer is: 

Yes, absolutely!

I think immediately of our student Carolyn, who’s an Emmy Award-Winning producer – and she used this exact process to quickly land herself 2 clients as a media consultant AND help her brother gain 3 more clients for his cleaning business!

So if you’re a coach who also consults – or you just want to start or get more clients for your consulting business, this program will 1000% work for you! 

What you’ll learn will instantly apply to any service-based business, which is wonderful.Because that means however you evolve, Life Coach Success School will easily evolve with you. 

My favorite thing about this program is how low tech it is.

If you’re someone who gets easily intimidated by technology, I’m so happy to share that it’ll be easy for you to start attracting dreamy clients without any fancy or complicated tech!

Sure, there are a lot of people out there teaching complex marketing strategies – systems with softwares and “funnels” and all kinds of things. 

The truth is – you don’t need any of that right now! 

It wasn’t until I was in year #3 of my business that I began using systems like that. When it comes to business building, you have to walk before you run. And if you don’t need it, don’t invest money in it and don’t do it until the time is right. Keep it simple, and let it be easy!

So what tech do you need?

Once you purchase, you’ll be able to log into our program portal right away and begin watching videos on your laptop, home computer, or smartphone – anywhere with WiFi or cellular data!

AND – to start using the program and getting results, all you’ll need is your email. As you advance in the program, we’ll walk you through the rest of your added tech options in the program (and make it easy!) But the long and short of it is: email is the only “tech” that’s absolutely required!

If you’re on the edge of buying but wondering…

“What if it doesn’t work for me?”

Oh, I hear you! Other coaches I’ve worked with had this very same question when they started using my methods. As they started to take action, they realized that the hesitation they felt was based on previous experiences that had nothing to do with this program! 

Once they got into the modules and started using the scripts, they started seeing results, and then they almost wanted to kick themselves for not taking a program like this one sooner. (Except one didn’t exist until now!)

Once you see how simple and good it can really be, the only thing you need to worry about is feeling crappy about all the time you wasted doing it the HARD way, procrastinating, or hiding your gifts from the world instead of getting out there and getting those clients! And your clients will tell you too, asking: “WHY didn’t I find you sooner?”

You are a gifted coach with so much to offer. 

Your future clients NEED you and deserve for you to get your brilliance out into the world!

Start Getting Clients Now

“A huge impetus to get my Life Coaching
business off the ground and see the positive return on my efforts!”

I’ll be honest, the cost held me back at first. I had no idea back then of the volume of invaluable advice, trainings, online support, PDFs, and course resources that would be available inside! I’m so glad I trusted my gut and signed up because the program is such incredible value!

[This] was a huge impetus to get my Life Coaching business off the ground and see the positive return on my efforts! Susie’s incredible energy is like a force of nature. She puts so much raw enthusiasm out into the universe and helped me revive my ‘get up and go’ attitude!

Because of this program, I now start the day more energized and feel thoroughly addicted to the process of getting my website and coaching business out there. The program has given me the motivation I needed.

Susie is a fantastic encourager and motivator. She’s quick thinking and an ‘on the spot’ problem solver. Perfect qualities in any coach!

Sarah Virag
Relationship Coach

“Now I’m 2.5 years into running a 6-figure Workplace Culture Consultancy, and starting a coaching company!”

I hustled, I quit my Exec HR Director job, and now I’m 2.5 years into running a 6-figure Workplace Culture Consultancy, and am now starting a coaching company to support 25-40 year-old professionals stuck in their careers. Thank you, Susie!

Sophie Bryan
Career and Life Coach

There’s no other life coaching business program out there that will teach you the REAL (and simple) sales strategies that worked for me as the former sales director of a Fortune 500 Tech Company.

One advantage I did have when I started my life coaching business was that I’d already cut my teeth as a salesperson in the tech world. 

So I learned early on, how to take action and NOT take it personally!

In that position, I made it my goal to take EIGHT meetings per week. If someone canceled, I simply made a point to get another meeting on the calendar. I didn’t stress or make it mean something about me.

I knew that if I had those EIGHT meetings, I’d hit my sales goals – regardless of how they went or what the outcome was. This made it so much easier to simply have fun with it!

I knew it was just a numbers game. Not ABOUT me, or the product I was selling – which I knew was wildly valuable.

Because I began my coaching business with this mentality while being PREPARED with the best sales tactics and scripts I cultivated from my sales career – I was able to create fast results.

Even though I felt nervous and wobbly at first, the tactics and scripts worked, my clients were thrilled with our work together, and it quickly raised my confidence to go out there and keep at it!

That’s EXACTLY what I’m giving you in Life Coach Success School

Simple action steps with exactly what to write, say, and do – so easy!
Shortcuts to every aspect of building your coaching business from the ground up!
The confidence and cashflow boost you need to see, once and for all, that you CAN make money with your coaching business AND massively improve the lives of your clients.

Listen, love, your coaching is a GIFT to the world, and it absolutely doesn’t have to be hard.

You can Let It Be Easy.

I will teach you EXACTLY what I did that worked across both industries and allowed me to enjoy selling without feeling gross, pushy, or sleazy.

It’s time to stop being a hidden gem and get the clients you deserve.

Start Getting Clients Now

This Program Is A 100%
No-Regrets Investment

If you’re wanting to join but still on the fence, here’s my question…
What’s your fear and what’s true about that fear?
Fear: I will buy the program and not get results.
Truth: If you take the simple action, you will get the results!
Fear: What will people think if they know I want to be a life coach?
Truth: If it’s what you want, you can choose to let that fear dictate your life OR you can take bold action to overcome it!
Fear: I’ll feel I “wasted” more money on another coaching program.
Truth: No money is wasted if it taught you a great lesson and grew YOU as a person! Plus, this will help you finally MAKE money back.

With Life Coach Success School, you will finally MAKE money by getting paying clients you love and turn your business dream into a reality!

Most importantly, ask yourself this…

If you just got ONE paying client as a result of taking this easy-to-follow program, using my proven sales scripts, and having FUN enrolling clients – what would that be worth?

$500? $2,000? $5,000?

Then… remembering that this program teaches you a simple, repeatable system you can use again and again… what would that be worth?

$100,000? More?

Because this program is ONLY $2,997!

The only thing you have to lose is the clients who are already out there, wishing for a coach JUST LIKE YOU.

So let’s get you out there so they can find you!

Ready to get started?

I’m so excited for you!

Start Getting Clients Now